I mean, we are talking about simple lists. Lately it’s occurred to me that OF is seriously overkill for just that. In fact, many of the things you mention are in my system right now!

It’s kind of amazing: it’s evolved into that simple list system for me, too. So OmniFocus, it’s not you - it’s me, I just don’t think we’re compatible… or do you have any suggestions how we could make it work? But this is more adhoc than a working system - so much slips through and I definitely never achieved the zen mind that I imagine a working GTD practice offers. The default way I manage my todo lists is just using Notes app to collect everything, and then making a 1 or 2 day plan in Taskpaper. In reality though I just can’t seem to integrate OmniFocus into my life, although I desire to. I still think the app is awesome - although haven’t really tried any of the alternative apps that have emerged since, because I’d already sunk so much cash into OF. And so now, before I click renew on my web subscription - I think it’s time I seriously rethink if this really is the app for me - because every year I am only able to commit to it for a month, before letting it slide until returning a year later - with the greatest of intentions - only to fail again. I have sunk a lot of money into it over these years - but I’ve never actually been able to make it work. As an avid reader of Merlin Man’s blog and GTD convert, I just thought it was a super cool app, and so I purchased every new version, and then every version subsequently released for a new device. I have been “using” OmniFocus since the beginning, back when it was a script in OmniOutliner.